
Phone: (513) 421-2540
Fax: (513) 562-4986
J.D., Northern Kentucky University Salmon P. Chase College of Law (cum laude, 1995)
B.A., Political Science, University of Maryland (1991)
Bar Admissions
Court Admissions
United States District Court, Southern District of Ohio
United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio
United States District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky
United States Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
Former Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Ohio Council of School Board Attorneys
Adjunct Professor, Ashland University
Ohio Council of School Board Attorneys
Trustee, Hamilton County Education Foundation
Mr. McCord is a shareholder and the managing director of the firm. He regularly counsels public boards of education on a variety of education law issues, with an emphasis on labor negotiations, employment matters, and construction issues. Mr. McCord has served as a lead negotiator in more than 300 collective bargaining negotiations. He has defended boards of education in arbitration and against charges filed with a variety of federal and state administrative agencies including the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, State Employment Relations Board, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. Mr. McCord served in the U.S. Air Force from 1987 to 1991. He frequently speaks to educational administrators and organizations throughout Ohio on numerous topics related to education law.
Recent Presentations and Published Works
- April 9, 2019: Brown County ESC & Southern Ohio ESC
- January 25, 2019: Ohio Association of School Personnel Administrators – Winter Camp: Collective Bargaining Workshop
- January 18, 2019: Southwest Ohio Personnel Administrators
- January 25, 2019: Ohio Association of School Personnel Administrators – Winter Camp, collective Bargaining Workshop
- December 6, 2018: Administrator’s Academy: Employment Law Update, Ennis Britton Webinar
- October 3, 2018: Records Retention, Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO)
- October 2, 2018: Legal Update, Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA)
- September 20, 2018: Legal Update, Ohio Association of School Personnel Administrators (OASPA) Fall Conference
- August 2, 2018: Legal Update for Superintendents, Northwest Ohio ESC
- July 26, 2018: New Superintendents Training, BASA
- January 19, 2018: Negotiations Boot Camp, OASPA Winter Camp
- November 9, 2017: Legal Update, OASBO
- October 2, 2017: Trial by Fire – Surviving Real-Life School HR Scenarios, OASPA Boot Camp
- September 14, 2017: Legal Update, OASPA Fall Conference
- September 6, 2017: Legal Update, BASA Regional Meeting
- August 3, 2017: Legal Update, Clark–Champaign–Madison County ESC
- April 26, 2017: Treasurer–Attorney Team-Up: Navigating Negotiations, OASBO Annual Workshop
- April 22, 2017: Employee Discipline Issues, Board Leadership Institute
- January 20, 2017: Building on the Basics of Collective Bargaining and Negotiations, OASPA
- November 21, 2016: Tackling Cyberlaw and Student Discipline in Schools, Ohio State Bar Association “Law You Can Use” Online Publication
- October 21, 2016: Ennis Britton’s Second Annual School Law Seminar, Mahoning County Career & Technical Center
- July 28, 2016: Clark County Educational Service Center Legal Update
- April 14, 2016: Merit Pay, OASBO Annual Workshop
- January 20, 2016: Building on the Basics of Collective Bargaining and Negotiations, OASPA
- December 1, 2015: “Tackling Cyberlaw and Student Discipline in Schools,” Ohio State Bar Association “Law You Can Use” online publication
- November 9, 2015: Critical Issues for Schools, Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Capital Conference Monday Luncheon Roundtable
- October 8, 2015: Discrimination: What Administrators Need to Know, EB Administrator’s Academy Seminar Series
- October 1, 2015: Trial by Fire: Human Resources Panel Discussion, OASPA Boot Camp
- September 17, 2015: Legal Updates, OASPA Fall Conference
- August 6, 2015: Cyberlaw in Schools, Ohio State Bar Association’s School Law Workshop
- August 5, 2015: Legal Updates in Education, Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NWOESC) Administrator’s Retreat
- April 15, 2015: Reductions in Force and Treasurers, OASBO
- January 22, 2015: Managing Workplace Injuries and Leaves of Absence, Ennis Roberts & Fisher (ERF) Administrator’s Academy Seminar Series
- January 20, 2015: Lessons from 2014 Negotiations, Ohio Association of Local School Superintendents (OALSS)
- April 9, 2014: Strategies for Avoiding Legal Pitfalls of OTES and OPES, 2014 OASBO Annual Conference
- February 21, 2014: Education Law Update, OTES and OPES Updates and Implementation, OASPA/OAEE Spring Conference