Unilateral Implementation of Teacher Evaluation Policy Permissible

The State Employment Relations Board (SERB) upheld the clear and unambiguous language of R.C. §3319.111, holding that school districts may implement a new teacher evaluation policy in line with OTES without negotiating with their teachers association when the applicable collective bargaining agreement naturally expires.

The Parma Education Association filed an unfair labor practice charge against the Parma City School District Board of Education alleging that the Board of Education violated the collective bargaining agreement and collective bargaining laws when the Board of Education unilaterally implemented a new teacher evaluation procedure while the parties were in negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement and the current agreement had expired.

SERB indicated that school districts are not typically allowed to make changes to the terms and conditions of employment during negotiations of an expired collective bargaining agreement.  However, if laws specifically indicate that they supersede the collective bargaining rights outlined in Chapter 4117 of the Revised Code, then a school district may follow the specifics of the law.  In this case, R.C. §3319.111 specifically states that teacher evaluation procedures supersede Chapter 4117 of the Revised Code and any conflicting terms of a collective bargaining agreement when the existing collective bargaining agreement naturally expires.

The Board of Education did not violate the rights of the Parma Education Association.  The Board of Education acted within its legal rights when it unilaterally implemented its teacher evaluation policy and procedures once its current collective bargaining expired, even though it was negotiating a successor collective bargaining agreement.

SERB’s decision appears obvious based on the clear, unambiguous language of the statute, but this decision is important to highlight the management rights given to boards of education in establishing teacher evaluation policies and procedures through the House Bill 153 and Senate Bill 316 changes to R.C. §3319.111.

Affordable Care Act Notice to All Employees

Under the Affordable Care Act, school districts must notify all current employees by October 1, 2013, of the availability of health insurance marketplace (i.e. health insurance exchanges). After October 1, 2013, all new hires must be notified within fourteen (14) days of hire. This notice must be provided to all employees and new hires regardless of their part-time or full-time status, and regardless of their plan enrollment status.

Sample forms have been provided by the U.S. Department of Labor at the following addresses:

-Model form http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/pdf/FLSAwithplans.pdf

-COBRA Model form http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/modelelectionnotice.doc

For ease of issuing this notice to all current employees by the October 1, 2013 deadline, it is recommended that school districts send the exchange notice to all of those current employees would be entitle to receive a Form W-2 from the school district on September 30, 2013, if the school district were to send out Form W-2s on that date.

Additionally, there is no requirement in the Affordable Care Act mandating that the exchange notice must be given in hard-copy, paper format to current employees or to new hires. The exchange notice may be given in electronic format and emailed to all employees. Districts are encouraged to keep a record of the exchange notice send to all current employees by the October 1, 2013 deadline, and include a copy of the exchange notice in all new hire paperwork.