USDHHS Withdraws Guidance on Free Care Policy

USDHHS Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently withdrew its prior guidance on the “free care” policy as expressed in the School-Based Administrative Claiming Guide.  Under CMS’s new guidance, Medicaid reimbursement is available for covered services under the approved state plan regardless of whether there is any charge for the services to the beneficiary or the community at large.  Also under CMS’s new guidance, schools are not considered to be legally liable third parties to the extent schools act to ensure that students receive needed medical services to access a free appropriate public education consistent with federal law.  The guidance also states that even if a state determines that schools are legally liable third parties, the Medicare statute contains an exception which requires that Medicaid serve as the primary payer to schools and providers of services in an IEP under IDEA; noting that nothing in IDEA permits states to reduce medical or other assistance available.

New Year’s Resolution for Special Education

It is probably not high on your list of New Year’s Resolution priorities, but special education staff at Ohio public schools should add this one: Send even more prior written notice forms.

For over a year, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) had been floating the idea of changing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirements regarding prior written notice (PWN) when parents agree with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed during an annual review meeting and the IEP involves a change in placement. State regulations in effect over the past several years did not require formal PWN on the PR-01 form in this circumstance. Rather, the IEP document itself served as PWN. On December 20, 2013 ODE announced an immediate change requiring PWN on the PR-01 form to be sent for all IEPs that involve a change of placement (including those that have parental consent).

Presumably the thinking behind the prior interpretation was that there is no need to send a notice to a parent informing her that the IEP she just agreed to is going to be implemented. It appears that the change in interpretation is to align with federal regulations that require PWN whenever a change in placement is proposed.  There is an ongoing review of Ohio’s IDEA regulations, and once finalized the new regulations will incorporate this change.  However, ODE has been clear that it will immediately be enforcing the change. Whether slight changes in IEP services constitute a change of placement is not always clear. Given this new requirement, it is best to err on the side of caution by sending too many PR-01 instead of too few.

ERF encourages school districts to take steps to minimize potential misunderstandings regarding PWN. The PR-01 form can be intimidating, and some parents mistakenly think it means a district is attempting to harass or provoke them. Some of the potential fallout of the decision to require even more PR-01 can be avoided by discussing PWN, the PR-01 form, and when they are required with parents prior to needing to use them in relation to an IEP. For example, a district could make it a practice to show a blank PR-01 form to a parent at the time a child is initially identified and to explain the purpose and requirements for the use of the form.

We have often said that PWN cannot be sent too often. With this new interpretation ODE has brought new meaning to that advice. Please contact a member of ERF’s Special Education Team with questions about this new requirement.

No requirement to create wheelchair basketball leagues

The federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued a “Dear Colleague Letter” on January 25, 2013, that seemed to require school districts to offer alternative sports options for children with disabilities. OCR is charged with enforcing Section 504, among other laws.  The letter suggested that wheelchair basketball, for example, might need to be offered when a wheelchair-bound child cannot be accommodated in the existing basketball program.  Controversy ensued, and ERF advised clients that there is no requirement to create new activities to provide opportunities for those who cannot be reasonably accommodated in existing activities.  This month OCR issued a letter that confirms ERF’s earlier advice.  OCR’s letter explains that it does not believe that Section 504 requires the creation of new activities for children with disabilities (essentially rescinding its earlier guidance).

In its earlier letter, OCR wrote that:

“Students with disabilities who cannot participate in the school district’s existing extracurricular athletics program – even with reasonable modifications or aids and services – should still have an equal opportunity to receive the benefits of extracurricular athletics. When the interests and abilities of some students with disabilities cannot be as fully and effectively met by the school district’s existing extracurricular athletic program, the school district should create additional opportunities for those students with disabilities.

“In those circumstances, a school district should offer students with disabilities opportunities for athletic activities that are separate or different from those offered to students without disabilities. These athletic opportunities provided by school districts should be supported equally, as with a school district’s other athletic activities.”

It went on to explain that when there are not sufficient wheelchair bound athletes to support an activity a district could work with other districts to form a joint team, form co-ed teams, or encourage non-disabled students to participate.  Beyond the logistics and time required by this mandate, districts were alarmed by the cost of funding new programs even as they are being forced to cut funding for existing programming.

With its recent letter OCR unequivocally steps back from the requirements set forth in its prior letter.  It writes that while a district might choose to create new programs for children with disabilities, “it is not OCR’s view that a school district is required to do so.”  Pressure from school districts and the organizations that work for and support them clearly had a significant role in forcing OCR to rethink its earlier letter.  In fact, the letter earlier this month was in response to a request by the National School Boards Association for clarification.  The new letter is being reported here not only because it puts to rest any notion that districts must create separate sports for children with disabilities, but also because it shows that school districts can effectively lobby for change.  At a time of unprecedented new requirements and unfunded mandates this is an important lesson.

Both OCR letters on extracurricular activities are also a good reminder about the importance and scope of Section 504.  This law is meant to “level the playing field” for children with disabilities.  It applies to a broad range of disabilities – far more than those covered by IDEA.  It also applies to all services, activities, and benefits offered by a school district.  Regarding extracurricular activities, a qualified child with a disability has a right to reasonable accommodations to allow the child to try out for and participate in sports.  Precisely what this means depends on the facts of each case, but suffice it to say that schools need to be creative about developing, and committed to providing, equal opportunities to children with disabilities both in the classroom and on the playing field.  Please contact a member of our Special Education Practice Team for assistance in complying with Section 504.

ODE seeks input on proposed revisions to IDEA

In case you missed it, below is a notice from ODE seeking input on what it should propose for revisions to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This should not be confused with the ongoing meetings being hosted by State Support Teams seeking input on the state operating standards. The call below is regarding possible changes to the federal law, while the ongoing meetings are regarding state regulations that flesh out the existing federal law. Reauthorization by the current Congress seems unlikely, so this may be all for naught:

Public input opportunity for IDEA reauthorization open through March 14

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and the State Board of Education (SBE) invite your input and feedback in the development of a federal platform for the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

The purpose of the platform is to provide Ohio-based recommendations for federal lawmakers and policy officials to consider when they begin to review and rewrite the federal law and regulations impacting educational opportunities and services for students with disabilities.

The federal IDEA law was last reauthorized in 2004 and, while unlikely, it may be reauthorized during the 130th Congressional session. To ensure Ohio’s issues and concerns are at the forefront of any federal legislative review, the SBE plans to develop and advocate on a set of recommendations for the reauthorization of IDEA in 2013.

We would appreciate your recommendations and suggestions of what should be covered in the next reauthorization. Feel free to be general or specific (detail sections) as well as provide any contact or organizational information in your responses. Please send recommendations and suggestions to by Thursday, March 14, 2013.