Ohio Court Rejects Parent and Student Challenge to Bathroom Policy Accommodating Transgender Students

Ohio Court Rejects Parent and Student Challenge to Bathroom Policy Accommodating Transgender Students

A school district in Ohio adopted a policy that allowed transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. A group of middle school parents and students opposed to the policy filed a federal lawsuit in 2022. Their primary argument was that the policy infringed on their free exercise of religion, but other arguments were also put forth, such as an alleged Fourteenth Amendment violation for interfering with the parents’ right to raise their children as they see fit.

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio dismissed the lawsuit on August 7, 2023. The court found that the religious infringement claims failed because the school district’s policy was neutral and did not impose a substantial burden on their religious practice. The court found that there was no allegation that the school district adopted this policy to suppress religious beliefs. The court also noted that the policy was adopted to prevent what the school district believed to be discrimination on the basis of sex, not to suppress religious beliefs.

As for the Fourteenth Amendment claim, the Court found that parents have a right to control where their children go to school but they do not have a right to dictate how a public school educates their children or how it operates its facilities. In other words, prescribing the use of student bathrooms is a school decision to make, not a parent decision to make.

What does this mean for your district?

This decision means that the school district’s policy of allowing transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity can stay in place. The plaintiffs have the right to file an appeal. Ennis Britton will continue to monitor this case as it progresses further on appeal.










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Career Tech Corner: The Clery Act and Ohio Technical Centers

Career Tech Corner: The Clery Act and Ohio Technical Centers

The Clery Act, formally known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, is a federal law that aims to promote campus safety by requiring colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. The law is named after Jeanne Clery, a college student who was sexually assaulted and murdered in her dormitory in 1986. Here’s why the Clery Act matters to Ohio Technical Centers (OTCs):

1. Campus Safety and Transparency: The Clery Act promotes campus safety and transparency by requiring OTCs to disclose accurate and comprehensive information about crime on and around their campuses. This information helps students, staff, and prospective students make informed decisions about their safety and well-being.

2. Student and Staff Awareness: By providing information about crime statistics, safety policies, and emergency procedures, the Clery Act ensures that students and staff are aware of potential risks and know how to respond to emergencies. This awareness can contribute to a safer and more secure learning and working environment.

3. Prevention and Preparedness: OTCs must develop and implement safety policies, crime prevention programs, and emergency response plans. This encourages OTCs to proactively address safety concerns, prevent criminal activity, and be prepared to respond effectively to emergencies.

4. Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications: The Clery Act requires OTCs to issue timely warnings to the campus community about certain ongoing threats and to provide emergency notifications during significant incidents. This rapid communication helps individuals take appropriate actions to stay safe.

5. Accountability and Compliance: Compliance with the Clery Act is a condition for receiving federal funding. OTCs that fail to meet Clery Act requirements may face financial penalties and potential loss of federal funds. This accountability ensures that OTCs take the law seriously and prioritize campus safety.

6. Public Perception and Reputation: Non-compliance with the Clery Act can negatively impact an institution’s reputation and public image. Demonstrating a commitment to Clery Act compliance can help OTCs build trust with students, parents, and the community.

7. Student and Staff Well-Being: Ultimately, the Clery Act aims to create a safer and more secure environment for students, staff, and visitors at OTCs. By adhering to Clery Act requirements, OTCs contribute to the overall well-being and quality of life for their campus community members.

In summary, the Clery Act is essential for Ohio Technical Centers and other educational institutions to ensure a safe and transparent learning environment. Compliance with the Clery Act helps OTCs fulfill their responsibility to provide accurate information, promote campus safety, and respond effectively to security concerns and emergencies.










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Short Series Podcast: Transgender K-12, Staff Rights and Obligations

In the final episode of the series, Erin and Giselle get into the “nitty gritty” of staff rights with regard to transgender students in K-12. The discussion centers on recent cases pertaining to staff rights of speech, expression and religion and the importance of considering the right weights when balancing staff rights against student rights

You can also listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks for listening! Look for new Short Series podcasts in the coming months! If you have a question or suggested topic, please email podcast@ennisbritton.com.


Short Series Podcast: Transgender K-12, The Playing Field: Students’ Rights and Athletics

In episode five, Erin and Giselle venture onto the playing field of student rights, including athletic participation, parent’s rights and what it all means under the newly proposed change to Title IX regulations on students’ eligibility for athletic teams. They tackle the key areas of consideration related to transgender students and participation in school sports

You can also listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. Look for new episodes on the first and third Thursdays of the month.


Short Series Podcast: Transgender K-12, Executive Actions and Title IX

In the 4th episode, Erin and Giselle wrap up the discussion surrounding significant court decisions from around the country and where the Biden Presidential administration has landed related to transgender students and examining new areas of challenges to student rights.  The discussion includes what recent changes to Title IX and the provisions of Title VII might mean for educators.

You can also listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. Look for new episodes on the first and third Thursdays of the month.


Short Series Podcast: Transgender K-12, Overview of Case Law Part II

In this episode, Erin and Giselle move to the starboard side of the ship to highlight two cases related to privacy of cisgender students, parents’ rights, and recognition of religious beliefs under Title IX and equal protection. The cases were brought by parents of cisgender students, include some well known names, and each showcases the court’s steerage of the ship through the changing winds.

You can also listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. Look for new episodes on the first and third Thursdays of the month.