Career Tech Corner: The Clery Act and Ohio Technical Centers

Career Tech Corner: The Clery Act and Ohio Technical Centers

The Clery Act, formally known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, is a federal law that aims to promote campus safety by requiring colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. The law is named after Jeanne Clery, a college student who was sexually assaulted and murdered in her dormitory in 1986. Here’s why the Clery Act matters to Ohio Technical Centers (OTCs):

1. Campus Safety and Transparency: The Clery Act promotes campus safety and transparency by requiring OTCs to disclose accurate and comprehensive information about crime on and around their campuses. This information helps students, staff, and prospective students make informed decisions about their safety and well-being.

2. Student and Staff Awareness: By providing information about crime statistics, safety policies, and emergency procedures, the Clery Act ensures that students and staff are aware of potential risks and know how to respond to emergencies. This awareness can contribute to a safer and more secure learning and working environment.

3. Prevention and Preparedness: OTCs must develop and implement safety policies, crime prevention programs, and emergency response plans. This encourages OTCs to proactively address safety concerns, prevent criminal activity, and be prepared to respond effectively to emergencies.

4. Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications: The Clery Act requires OTCs to issue timely warnings to the campus community about certain ongoing threats and to provide emergency notifications during significant incidents. This rapid communication helps individuals take appropriate actions to stay safe.

5. Accountability and Compliance: Compliance with the Clery Act is a condition for receiving federal funding. OTCs that fail to meet Clery Act requirements may face financial penalties and potential loss of federal funds. This accountability ensures that OTCs take the law seriously and prioritize campus safety.

6. Public Perception and Reputation: Non-compliance with the Clery Act can negatively impact an institution’s reputation and public image. Demonstrating a commitment to Clery Act compliance can help OTCs build trust with students, parents, and the community.

7. Student and Staff Well-Being: Ultimately, the Clery Act aims to create a safer and more secure environment for students, staff, and visitors at OTCs. By adhering to Clery Act requirements, OTCs contribute to the overall well-being and quality of life for their campus community members.

In summary, the Clery Act is essential for Ohio Technical Centers and other educational institutions to ensure a safe and transparent learning environment. Compliance with the Clery Act helps OTCs fulfill their responsibility to provide accurate information, promote campus safety, and respond effectively to security concerns and emergencies.










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Department of Education Investigates Removal of Library Books in Schools

Department of Education Investigates Removal of Library Books in Schools

During the 2021-2022 school year, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) opened an investigation into Forsyth County Schools following a complaint that the district discriminated against students on the basis of sex, race, color, and national origin.

Forsyth County Schools had received a complaint from a parent group over books the group believed contained sexually explicit material. Soon after, the school began receiving complaints from other parents regarding books that discussed LGBTQ+ issues. Parents suggested the district shelve those books separately, placing tags to identify them, or create a system for parents to prohibit their students from checking out specific books, specifically those that focus on LGBTQ+ issues. The District Media Committee rejected both suggestions, stating that implementing those restrictions may increase isolation and bullying, and could result in students avoiding the library altogether. Furthermore, the district believed that implementing a system where students were prohibited from checking out certain books would force the media specialists to become “gatekeepers” of the books.

While the committee rejected the suggestions regarding books with LGBTQ+ content, the Superintendent did authorize staff to review and pull books that included explicit sexual content. Ultimately, the staff permanently removed eight books, temporarily removed two books, and restricted four books to high school libraries. Despite the permanent removal of eight books, many parents continued to call for the removal of even more, some of which focused on gender identity or sexual orientation.

At a board meeting following the removal, multiple students pointed out that the district was banning books largely written by women of color, or those that focused on LGBTQ+ issues. For example, one of the banned books “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M. Johnson focuses on Johnson’s childhood and adolescence as a gay Black man. The students argued that banning books, specifically books that are written by or have characters who are members of a minority community, was reflective of the District’s lack of commitment to diversity and highlighting minority voices. The students further told the Board that removal of books such as “All Boys Aren’t Blue” or “Juliet Takes a Breath,” which focuses on a Puerto Rican American who comes out to her family, ostracizes students who are part of marginalized communities that felt represented and understood by those books, making the school environment harsher for those students.

Following the February board meeting, the district formed a summer review committee where 34 readers would review the books up for permanent removal. The committee was required to look at the book’s content and manner of presentation, whether the book was age appropriate, sophistication level, whether it met the students’ instructional, social, emotional, and personal needs, whether it exhibited a high degree of potential user appeal and interest, and whether it provided a global perspective and promoted diversity by including materials about and by authors or illustrators of all cultures. Ultimately, the committee decided to return seven of the eight books to the shelves. Since the reinstatement of seven of the books, there have been no more formal complaints filed regarding book removal.

In a letter addressed to the Superintendent following the investigation, OCR stated that the district’s removal of titles with Black and LGBTQ+ characters may have created a “hostile environment” for students, potentially violating their civil rights. Specifically, OCR’s concern stemmed from the fact that the district received notice that the screening process created a hostile environment for students, but the District’s “responsive steps related to the book screening process were not designed to, and were insufficient to, ameliorate any resultant racially and sexually hostile environment.” While OCR acknowledged that the District strives to provide resources for all students within the community, it noted that the board meetings “conveyed the impression that books were being screened to exclude diverse authors and characters, including people who are LGBTQI+ and authors who are not white.” OCR also noted that district witnesses reported that despite students verbalizing their fears, the district did not take steps to address the impact of the book removals with students. Thus, OCR concluded that the District’s lack of response could have created a hostile environment that the district failed to ameliorate.

The District ultimately signed a Resolution Agreement intended to resolve the issues identified by OCR. The resolution agreement requires the district to administer a school climate survey to address prevalence of harassment and the student’s perception of harassment. Additionally, the district must post a statement that provides students with information including why certain books were removed, an acknowledgement that the environment surrounding book removal may impact students, and instructions on how to file a complaint about discrimination.

The District’s willingness to agree to the Resolution Agreement was applauded by the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights who thanked the district for assessing and responding to the needs of students who felt as if they were subjected to a hostile environment, and for agreeing to “take appropriate action regarding acts of harassment that create a hostile environment based on sex, race, color or national origin.”

What does this mean for your district?

Requests for and debates over book bans have resurfaced in recent years. OCR made it clear in this decision that the impact of district actions is just as important as the intent behind them, so while Forsyth County may have had good intentions, it was the impact of the acts that created the potentially hostile environment. Districts should consider in advance of the potential impact that could occur when creating book committees and policies regarding removal of books.

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Education Department Issues Guidance on Religious Expression in Schools

Education Department Issues Guidance on Religious Expression in Schools

On May 15, 2023, the United States Department of Education issued a “Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools” document. Coaches are referenced several times throughout the guidance, and it is likely that the guidance was issued in response to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, which centered around a football coach engaging in private prayer at the end of each football game on the field.

The guidance opens with the reminder that when teachers, coaches, and other public school officials speak in their official capacities, they may not engage in prayer or promote religious views. However, the guidance notes that not everything a public school teacher, coach, or other official says in the workplace constitutes governmental speech. The guidance specifically states that where teachers, coaches, or other employees engage in personal speech, a school district may not prohibit them from doing so because the expression is religious in nature or because other observers, including students, might misperceive that the school is endorsing the expression. Absent some evidence that the teacher, coach, or other school official is pressuring or encouraging students to engage in religious expression, a school district has limited authority to regulate such speech.

The guidance goes on to address such topics as prayer groups, religious expression during instructional time, moments of silence, student assemblies, teaching about religion, religious expression in school assignments or homework, excusal for religious activities, and baccalaureate ceremonies. A copy of the guidance can be found here.

What this means for schools:
School districts may (and must, to avoid violating the Establishment Clause) restrict religious expression that suggests endorsement of religion or where the expression by staff is intended to compel or encourage student participation. However, staff remain free to engage in private religious expression such as private prayer, even when visible to others and even when it occurs at district sponsored activities. Of course, the devil is in the details, as they say. Confer with counsel as needed to interpret employee actions in light of the new guidance.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Special Education Update: Latest Budget Bill Draft Includes Troubling Special Education Provisions

Special Education Update: Latest Budget Bill Draft Includes Troubling Special Education Provisions

On June 8, 2023, the Senate Finance Committee released its draft of the HB 33, the state biennium budget bill. The draft contained some unfortunate proposals that will impact special education if passed in the final version of the bill, which is expected by the end of June. This article is current as of June 15, but the budget is moving quickly to its conclusion as the final conference committee completes its work and sends the bill to the Governor. Stay tuned for additional updates and possible changes.

Scholarship Changes
In addition once again expanding the EdChoice program by more than $373 million over two years, the Senate Finance Committee’s proposed bill also expands the Autism Scholarship Program (ASP) to any child who has been “identified” with autism by the child’s resident school district, or who receives services through an Individualized Education Plan (“IEP”) that are related to autism. Perhaps most concerning, the proposed bill would require school districts to develop “education plans” for a child who is eligible for a scholarship based on a diagnosis of autism, but who does not have an IEP. As districts are well aware, many students have received a medical diagnosis of autism at some point in their childhood yet are determined not eligible for an IEP or even a Section 504 plan because they do not demonstrate a need for special education and related services or any type of accommodations and modifications. This proposal requires development of an “education plan” regardless of need. Further, it provides students with access to the ASP even though they have not demonstrated eligibility for special education.

Both the House and current Senate budget proposals include an increase to the Jon Peterson Scholarship as well. The current version of the bill includes the following:
• Increases the base amount from $6,414 to $7,190
• Increases the Category 1 amount from $1,562 to $1,751
• Increases the Category 2 amount from $3,963 to $4,442
• Increases the Category 3 amount from $9,522 to $10,673
• Increases the Category 4 amount from $12,707 to $14,243
• Increases the Category 5 amount from $17,209 to $19,290
• Increases the Category 6 amount from $25,370 to $28,438
• Increases the maximum scholarship award (capped amount) from $27,000 to $30,000

Special Education Transportation
One of the most unfortunate provisions of the Senate’s version is a requirement that school districts provide transportation as a related service to students with disabilities who live within the district but attend a nonpublic school if the school district is provided with supporting documentation in the student’s IEP, individual service plan, or academic support plan. This change may further exacerbate transportation challenges for districts already struggling to provide transportation to their enrolled students. The current version does expand a district’s ability to use vans to transport students in certain circumstances, which is helpful (if it remains in the bill; reports suggest that it may be removed).

The governor’s version of the bill contains language that would extend the formula for determining special education transportation payments into FY 2024 and FY 2025 and increases the minimum state share percentage for traditional school district payments from 33.33% to 37.5% in FY 2024, and to 41.67% in FY 2025. The bill would extend these increases to educational service centers as well. However, the Senate Finance Committee made changes to the traditional district foundation aid formula which ultimately decreases the percentage share earmarked for special education transportation by $3 million in FY 2024 and $2 million in FY 2025. Likewise, the governor proposed an increase for funding preschool special education which was offset in part by the Senate Committee’s proposed change to the foundation aid formula.

Seizure Action Plans
The House introduced language in HB 33 that would require school districts to develop seizure action plans for each student with an active seizure disorder diagnosis. The Senate Committee maintained this language in its version. The proposed law also contains a training requirement: every two years, districts would need to ensure that at least one other employee besides the school nurse is trained to implement a seizure action plan. The proposal includes language that expressly extends qualified immunity to employees who carry out the plans in good faith. If this law passes, there are possible child find implications. Seizure disorders are considered disabilities, and students may be eligible for Section 504 plans or IEPs. It is recommended that districts keep special education teams in the loop when plans are developed so that districts may consider whether to offer evaluations that fulfill child find obligations.

Auxiliary Services Funds
The governor’s budget authorizes a newly chartered nonpublic school, within ten days of receiving its charter, to elect to receive auxiliary services funds directly. The Senate Finance Committee also inserted language into the bill that prohibits a district from denying a nonpublic school’s request for personnel to provide auxiliary services who are properly licensed.

Additional changes are expected in future iterations of the budget bill before a final version is passed. In the meantime, school districts should reach out to area legislators and share any concerns they have about the proposed language. Pam Leist and Hollie Reedy will review the final budget bill in detail at the Administrator’s Academy on July 13, 2023. Click here to register for the webinar.




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CTC Corner:  Accessibility of Online Services and Programs Focus of Enforcement by DOJ andOCR

CTC Corner: Accessibility of Online Services and Programs Focus of Enforcement by DOJ andOCR

On May 19, 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights issued a joint Dear Colleague letter (“Letter”) reminding postsecondary institutions of their obligations to ensure that the online services, programs, and activities provided by such institutions are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

The Departments’ focus in in this Letter pointedly refers to two federal laws (the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act)that require postsecondary institutions (and K-12 entities) to provide equal opportunities to people with disabilities in all of their operations, including equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from online services, programs and activities. Both laws require postsecondary (and K-12) institutions ensure the accessibility of public-facing websites, learning management systems, password-protected student-facing content, mass email blasts, online programming, etc. The key, according to the Letter, is to remove digital barriers and provide access to online services, programming, and content, etc.

Digital accessibility-and enforcement- is an ongoing focus for the Departments in addressing issues related to institutions failing to achieve those goals. It highlights a consent decree in which a postsecondary institution in California was required to make all public online content on its website and other online platforms accessible to people with disabilities, including videos and podcasts on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and third-party platforms. The consent decree required the institution to designate a “web accessibility coordinator”, accessibility testing of online content, and independent auditing to evaluate whether content provided to students and the public was accessible.

In May 2022, the Office for Civil Rights engaged in over 100 compliance reviews concerning digital accessibility, which included education from K-12 through postsecondary education. During the same time period, the Justice Department also issued guidance involving web access for individuals with disabilities, showing how districts can make sure their websites and services are accessible to people with disabilities as required by the ADA. This guidance may be accessed here.

While this Letter does not address K-12 educational institutions, it does serve as a useful reminder to both K-12 and also those institutions providing both levels of education that educational technology accessibility has been and will continue to be a focus for the Departments in ensuring equal access. Districts should also be watching for the Department of Education’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for amendments to Section 504 regulations that was mentioned in this Letter.

What does this mean for your District?
The Departments are laser focused on this topic. As bluntly stated in this guidance: “[o]nline accessibility for people with disabilities cannot be an afterthought.” Districts should conduct a review of the accessibility of online programming, services, activities, etc. provided to ensure that these essential services are accessible to students with disabilities. Internal audits of online programs and services to ensure educational technology is accessible: if barriers are discovered, steps can be taken and documented to ensure these programs are accessible going forward.






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































Plan For Payment In Lieu of Transportation

Plan For Payment In Lieu of Transportation

Successful transportation programs have had to adjust their timelines for declaring transportation impractical and offering payment in lieu of transportation (PILOT) due to new statutory deadlines and processes enacted in 2021. Here are some reminders about those deadlines and practical tips on preparing for timely and effective PILOT determinations. A cost-efficient and legally compliant transportation program is a key component of district operations, especially with financial penalties for noncompliance.

Route Plans
Have the nonpublic and community schools in your district declared their start and end times by April 1? That’s a new deadline. If they have done so, the district’s obligation is to develop a transportation plan for those students in 60 days; i.e., June 1. This is much sooner than districts usually do routing.

If those schools have not yet done so, it is to a district’s benefit, as it plans routes for next year, to request that information, along with student rider names and addresses. Once provided, the district must attempt to respond with the transportation plan by August 1. It is in the district’s interest to get this information quickly so that routing can incorporate these students.

Impracticality Determinations
Districts must determine impracticality of transportation 30 days before school begins. This means most families must be notified by mid-July. Determining whether the costs of transportation for nonpublic or community school students are disproportionate must be made on a case-by-case basis. Districts must also consider the other factors for this determination outlined in R.C. 3327.02. Researching each factor and documenting the results will protect the district.

The Superintendent may make the determination after considering all the statutory factors, with the Board approving the same at its next scheduled Board meeting. A letter detailing the reasons supporting the determination of impracticality must be sent to the parents, the State Board, and the community/nonpublic school.

The Board may then offer payment in lieu of transportation (PILOT) to the parents by sending them the resolution, the reasons transportation was declared impractical, notice that the parent may accept or reject the offer and request mediation with ODE, and a contract for the parents to sign if they accept.

Attention to ensuring this process is well underway now is time well spent, with the goal of being ready to make decisions in July. Failure to do so risks missing deadlines, which could result in transporting students the entire year.

Values for payment in lieu of transportation for 2023-24 already have been announced by ODE- a minimum amount of $596.43 and maximum of $1,192.87.